
The Topic is Sex

War and sex. Love and anger.
The conquering troops and sexual domination of the conquered.
Fear and Sadness,
Adrenalin and the Rush of Gunfire.
The stories of those who have gone to war frequently include an encounter with love and loss.
When has your story taken you onto the battlefield of love? What was gained, and what was lost? How have you been changed?


Happy Sandwich Moment

Think of your favorite sandwich. Now use that sandwich as an anchor that guides you through your memories. Think of a time you were very happy, and you were eating a sandwich. Go back to that moment. Think about it. What kind of sandwich was it? Who prepared it? Where were you? Who was with you? What kind of day was it? Write about your happy sandwich moment. And enjoy.


The Doorbell

Surprise! The Doorbell just rang, and you have an overnight package delivery. It is something you have been waiting for a long time. What is it? Describe it, and what it means to you.


September 11

I was already crying when I woke up at 6 am on September 11, 2001, for
I woke up knowing that it would be the last day that I would be in the condo where my mother and step dad had spent the last ten years of their lives. I had spent the night alone in the upstairs bedroom, over the room where mom had given her last shout out to lung cancer a few years before. My step dad had been moved up north to live out his days with his real daughter. It was my job to clean out the house and get it ready for sale.
So, I woke up and turned on the TV, expecting to see Katie Couric's smile.
Instead I saw, with sleepy, tear filled eyes, a plane fly into the World Trade Center Tower.
With one gasp I knew that the world had changed, and never felt more alone than at that moment.
Please just take a moment to pray for a better tomorrow.