

"As for plot, it's nothing but the word, 'then.'" -Author Grace Paley, quoted in The Los Angeles Times, "State of Grace," by Susan Salter Reynolds. Page R10, Los Angeles Times Book Review, June 10, 2007.

Then.........(you can take it from there).


Computer to Karma

Gently admire this rare photo of cloudfire. Inhale the energy from each shape and color. Then, choose one color. Single it out from the rest. While you look at that color, send your thoughts backward to a pleasant time in your life that included that color. Think about it. See it. Feel it. Smell it. Where were you? Who were you with? What was the weather?


Frozen in Time

My faucet is dripping /
So I took a photograph/
I really need sleep.

(flash haiku by Jim Perondi)

Life goes by so fast. We don't see the clear blue crystal color of the water as it rushes by. Take a mental picture of each beautiful moment. The small moments. The mundane moments. Somebody spent hours designing that lovely faucet. Somebody got paid to design that faucet. It should be noticed.
Do people ever notice what you get paid to do?
More importantly, do YOU notice the things that other people do as you rush through your day?


Washington Street

Renewal: In order to upgrade a building,
the crew has to construct some protective
scaffolding. This is a photo of the work
being done on an old building in Mission Hills, an historic neighborhood of San Diego.
After the work is done, this will be torn down.
I, personally, find the wood structure
beautiful. I enjoy walking through it as I stroll
down Washington Street. The wood has a
fresh, natural aroma. The blonde color is very calming, and the long pathway feels cozy and safe. Behind the wall, an extensive construction project is in process. It is hidden.
I like scaffolding, and will miss it when they tear it down in honor of the new buidling behind it. However, it must be done.
I am also going through a process of renewal, and search for my own form of scaffolding as I go through the journey. I seek out people who are kind. I seek out moments of joy. I tend to linger outdoors, feeling the cool air on my arms. I don't rush through my days as I once did. I wait. I pause. I appreciate. I enjoy.
In your life, what serves as scaffolding? What supports you while you work on renewal?


Every New Beginning

 Every New Year:
How fitting that we celebrate each new year in the dark of night.
Unable to see ahead of us, we still rejoice at the end of one section of time, as we enter the next section.
The chill of the dark, the strangeness of the unknown, and the thrill of the bursts of light, giving us hope.
Please take this moment to thank the year that just passed, congratulate yourself for moving forward, and take a deep breath of gratitude. Exhale.
Write down what you are eager to experience in the coming year, then "Make it so."