
Transformative Language Arts Network: I'm speaking at a conference, again!

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Transformative Language Arts Network
Changing the World with Words

F. Scott Fitzgerald and Dreams: Writing Prompt!

Dear Readers/Writers:
For immediate and amazing inspiration, I highly recommend owning a copy of any of
F. Scott Fitzgerald's books. Better yet, one of those "Complete Works of.." compilations.
I found mine on the Discount Table recently. Real books have an advantage over the Kindle versions just because you can take the real book, place it on the real table, and play the game of letting the book fall open to any of the real pages. Then, take your hand, and let it fall anywhere on the page. I promise you, wherever your hand falls, if you read the passage, it will be  incredible use of the English language.
So, here we go, hand falls on a page within the story, "
This Side of Paradise," by
F. Scott Fitzgerald.
" seemed that he had closed
the book of fading harmonies at last....
Even his dreams now were faint violins,
drifting like summer sounds upon the summer air."

Writing Prompt:  Which of your dreams are
now like
 "...faint violins" ?
This can take shape as a journal entry,
an excerpt from your autobiography,
or even a poem. Please write.