
The Magic of Groups!

The healing power of groups can be magical. Having the opportunity to sit in a group and discuss one's life issues, can provide validation for emotions, support for needs, and even provide like minded "others" who can serve as role models for positive actions, thoughts and feelings.

We all belong to various groups, whether we are aware of them as such, or not! While we might belong to professional associations, or attend self help or support or 12-steps groups, we all, in some way, have various layers of groups that we are a part of. Our groups include members of our family, extended family, our friends, coworkers, those who work for the same company, those who work in the same industry, same job title, same profession, all the way to including those who live in our neighborhood, our city, our state, our region, our country, our political affiliation, religious      choice, or even sexual orientation! We have many groups in our lives, even if we don't mail in membership applications to belong.

Writing Prompt:   Please take a moment to reflect on the many groups that you are a part of.
List them. Circle them, and see if there are connections between the various groups. List as many as you can. Follow up: The next time you are feeling just a bit down, or alone or left out in the world, refer to your list, and know that you are actually not alone in the world. In fact, see if there are any ways that you can make the list longer, to imagine being the part of other groups, more connections. Are there ways that you can reach out to more groups, and make the list more inclusive? There is power in groups!