
Computer to Karma

Gently admire this rare photo of cloudfire. Inhale the energy from each shape and color. Then, choose one color. Single it out from the rest. While you look at that color, send your thoughts backward to a pleasant time in your life that included that color. Think about it. See it. Feel it. Smell it. Where were you? Who were you with? What was the weather?


Frozen in Time

My faucet is dripping /
So I took a photograph/
I really need sleep.

(flash haiku by Jim Perondi)

Life goes by so fast. We don't see the clear blue crystal color of the water as it rushes by. Take a mental picture of each beautiful moment. The small moments. The mundane moments. Somebody spent hours designing that lovely faucet. Somebody got paid to design that faucet. It should be noticed.
Do people ever notice what you get paid to do?
More importantly, do YOU notice the things that other people do as you rush through your day?