Everything in life is a writing prompt. Take a new look at everyday events, and use them as anchors into the deeper realms of memory, belief and emotion. Join me as I take you on a tour of your imagination. "Life is a Writing Prompt," by Jo'el Roth, is available on www.amazon.com, as well as in the Kindle Store for download.
Jo'el's Guide to Getting a Life
Each day, Get out of Bed Smiling
Take a deep breath
Center Yourself: You are here, You are YOU!
Approve of Yourself
Like Yourself
Look Inward:
What do you care about?
What do you worry about?
What do you enjoy?
Think about your answers, write them down, and then,
Look Outward:
Do something, anything, go somewhere, anywhere
Go alone, unannounced, say hello
Do research on the internet, read every paper you can get your hands on, listen to local television and radio stations for causes and events you care about, then GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!
Once you get out of the house, TALK TO PEOPLE! Care about other people's feelings, care about their story.
Join, help, offer and volunteer whenever you can.
Remember those who are gone
Honor the lessons you've learned from them
Gather strength from those lessons
Laugh about, write about, the joys you have shared
Feel free to talk to those loved ones who have moved on, let them know you are thinking of them, ask them for guidance, and move forward with your life and give to others.
Take a deep breath
Breathe out
Smile and now go out to enjoy the world..............................